Collaboration: Pass it on
”We started talking to each other, Sometimes it is as simple as that. It was a phenomenal difference, suddenly with lightning speed, collaboratively and strategically, got together around what works. That’s our secret sauce. Our success is deeply intertwined with our collaborative approach
Working in concert, made genuine progress. Benefits of collaboration have fended off the usual forces of entropy. To row in unison. Together, eye-opener and a sign of hope. We are not here to solve, we can hope to begin to think about the pipeline. Organizations had to work together in “continuums of care” under a single lead agency, coordinating their programs and sharing data, (not) competing for funds, duplicating services, not sharing information or goals, precious few.
Our collaboration includes using a centralized database. Work together as a collaborative system, aligned around a standardized set of goals, processes and strategies, rather than as individual organizations and entities each trying to chip away at the problem- more than 100 entities working together and combining their efforts and resources to move the needle.”
The words above are compiled from the reporting of the NYT and CNN on the amazing statistic regarding the city of Houston housing 66% of its unhoused population by choosing collaboration.
Collaboration, Pass it on